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Curiosity & Consciousness Podcast

Sep 5, 2019

Martina Crudden joins me this week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast. Martina is a loving mother of 6 children, she is a holistic therapist, a spiritual healer, a Reiki Master and an NLP Practitioner. Martina shares her inspirational story of how she come through tragedy and dark days after the loss of her 2 beautiful children Daniel and Jaimelee and suffering illness herself. She has turned her life around, through sheer soul searching and discipline and faith ain knowing that there had to be something more! In her words, she says,
"I am here to walk with you until you learn to walk by yourself, the power to heal your life is in each and everyone of us".

"Be kind to everyone and everything. Live life to the happiest and the most that you can be because we only get one life and it's time to live it".